Traffic jam
TRAFFIC JAMS!!! A common scenario. Yes! But, today I just had it! I need to travel about 100km a day. Yes, u heard me, A DAY! If i'm a musafir, I will jamak all day long. And today, its Monday. So, firstly- its Monday Blues (read: dont mess with me as i'm not in the mood). Secondly, its NAM convention. So, my dad inform me that they will start meeting at Putrajaya at about 8.30 a.m, so I need to go out from the house after that time. (Note:I need to travel from KL - Cyberjaya thru KL-Seremban Highway). So, I got out from the house at 8.45 a.m this morning hoping there will be not much traffic as people has entered their offices, kids has gone to school and the representatives of the NAM convention has gone to Putrajaya. But, Nooooooooooo these representatives just needed to be fashionably late. So, there I was passing thru KL traffic and being halted a couple of times by the policeman to give way to these people. I dont know how many times we(the drivers) needed to stop to give way to these people. OK OK I know that they are 'important' people but pleeeeaaaaseeee dont be late and make us the civilians late too! Furthermore, one thing that I hate is THOSE drivers who will follow right at the back of the last car that follows behind the police. You know what I mean? Yelah mesti ada drivers yang akan follow betul2 belakang kereta2 polis ke menteri ke orang kenamaan tu and sometimes behind ambulance. And today there were like 4 or 5 cars like that. Hey, mana buleh camnie, cutting queue and do u know what; one of the cars pergi langgarnya my side mirror! Marahnya!!!! So, I honk at the car and chase after the driver. Marahlah, cause I wanted to see who's the idiotic driver. And i was shocked to see a 'mat salleh'. I tot that 'mat salleh' are supposed to be GOOD drivers! Nie 'mat salleh' mana datangnya go and bang my car. ouuhhh i was totally pissed off. At last I arrived at the office with a very very bad monday blues. So, wish me luck guys that nothing bad gonna worsen my day, if not habislah sapa yg buat hal hari nie.
At May 09, 2005 5:53 PM ,
Anonymous said...
alamaks.. org langgar keta?? jodoh tuh! hehehhee.. tak mintak dia ke tepi ke?? amek plate number dia tak? hehhehe jgn marah yer.. chill... hope petang nie dah sejuk laa.. tapi takut gaks, delegates nak balik to KL, sangkuuuut lagi.. sabar yer....
At May 10, 2005 10:43 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Semalan hafal dah.. sampai jek opis dah lupa plak no plate mamat tuh. Ari nie traffic jam lagi, between 7-7.30 p.m jalan2 near Palace of Golden Horses akan ditutup. Sharp 6 o'clock wan kena baliklah nampak gayanya.
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