My Agony
When Malaysians were being summoned to register their prepaid cellphone with their respective telcos, well… I abided…went to the Ipoh branch (a big branch, I might add) and filled up the form. Was told by the pak gad (guard) that I need not wait for the registration to take place but rather, to place it in a tray. I was told then, upon successful registration, the telco would send an sms confirming the registration. A month passed by ( and before I add further, this took place months before Raya this year…way way before the deadline 15/12) and I received none. So during raya, I had the liberty to go there again to see whether my registration had actually been confirmed. Was told by the pak gad that I need to take a number. Well there I was, waiting for about half an hour before being attended ..hanye semata-mata nak tanye, “saya punye dah registered ker?”. And to my comfort, the teller said yes, Miss Hanis bla.bla bla IC no blabla bla…well that was a relief.. Asked why no sms was being sent but I cudnt remember whether did she ever answered my q…well, case closed, so I thought!!…..but then again another story arises just a couple of days ago.…..just the other night, I decided to reload my hp after not using it for quite sometime…(for some of you who don’t know, Im using 2 mobiles, the other one is a fixed line (by now, you might have guessed which telco Im referring to)….reason being pun because I left my fixed line cellphone in the office..hopefully no one finds it as I always put it in silent mode….) ..coming back to the story…
As I reloaded, an sms was received, claiming that my line was barred, well guess what, because I didn’t regiuster!!!!..What the heck is going on!!..immediately I called the cust service and demand for an answer. It so happened that my name was not there in the system. I told her the story from A to Z, i.e up to the point where the teller had actually spoken up my name & ID no. And to my disbelieve, boleh tak cust service tu cakap yg “system ipoh lebih canggih dari KL kut”..I was damn pissed off!!!..anyways, die kate she can pre-register me on the line it self. Well I did since I also got to know that by 30/12/06, should I not register, they will terminate the line. What I need to do thereafter is to go to the nearest branch and give my IC for confirmation….kebetulan I intended to go back to ipoh the next day (sabtu)..careline girl said its open up till 8pm…kebetulan, I arrived in Ipoh branch 12.35pm, and a surprise surprise, it has already closed. 5 minutes too late it seemed. Tapi ade pakcik tua ni pun dok try nak masuk tanye pasal line die tak registered gak, so I mencelah cakap kat pak gad my story and sebab he can see my frustration, alhamdulillah, he let me in. and there I was, confronting 4 tellers ..story punye story, they gave me a lot of crap!..well really crappy answers. Here’re some of the most excruciating answer I ever heard…
Me: Why last time you already confirmed my name was in the system and yet the KL centre said I wasn’t?
Them: Mungkin sebab skarang kami pakai new system.
Me: So, don’t tell me that you didn’t do any data conversion (silap orang la nak cakap pasal system conversion dgn orng bank ni yg dah biase dealt with such activity ni…)
Them: (terdiam, tak terjawab).
Pas tu sorang jantan ni (yg nampak macam tak puas hati ngan saya), siap cakap:
Them : Mungkin orng tu ( yg registerkan name saya dulu tu) hanye key in name saje..
I was then about to really get pissed off and gave them a simple answer:
Me: Well, itu masalah customer ker? Saya fill in all details, and you guys pi key in name and ic je pasai ape!
And again they tergamam…ade ke macam ni customer service….BULL!
Lastly, I demand a proof of registration from them in printing in case the KL ppl says otherwise. Depa print salah satu page yg contain my name inside…silap …sebab tgh marah sangat, tak tgk right I should have asked for the Cust profile screen.
After all that horrific Q&A session had ended, me, being a well mannered person that I am, buleh lagi mintak maaf kat depa (sebab ternaik suara sikit)…and left. ( and not one word of apology came from them..ironic aint it..macam aku lak yg buat salah)
Nak ikutkan hati nak je terminate, but Ive been using this number since 1999 and to let it go just like that it’s a no-no (well, at this point perhaps)….sentimental value tu ade…
Nak je aneh sebut name telco ni, tapi kang tak pasai2 lain for those who know what telco Im using right now and you’re using its prepaid, well I advise you to check again …who knows…..
As I reloaded, an sms was received, claiming that my line was barred, well guess what, because I didn’t regiuster!!!!..What the heck is going on!!..immediately I called the cust service and demand for an answer. It so happened that my name was not there in the system. I told her the story from A to Z, i.e up to the point where the teller had actually spoken up my name & ID no. And to my disbelieve, boleh tak cust service tu cakap yg “system ipoh lebih canggih dari KL kut”..I was damn pissed off!!!..anyways, die kate she can pre-register me on the line it self. Well I did since I also got to know that by 30/12/06, should I not register, they will terminate the line. What I need to do thereafter is to go to the nearest branch and give my IC for confirmation….kebetulan I intended to go back to ipoh the next day (sabtu)..careline girl said its open up till 8pm…kebetulan, I arrived in Ipoh branch 12.35pm, and a surprise surprise, it has already closed. 5 minutes too late it seemed. Tapi ade pakcik tua ni pun dok try nak masuk tanye pasal line die tak registered gak, so I mencelah cakap kat pak gad my story and sebab he can see my frustration, alhamdulillah, he let me in. and there I was, confronting 4 tellers ..story punye story, they gave me a lot of crap!..well really crappy answers. Here’re some of the most excruciating answer I ever heard…
Me: Why last time you already confirmed my name was in the system and yet the KL centre said I wasn’t?
Them: Mungkin sebab skarang kami pakai new system.
Me: So, don’t tell me that you didn’t do any data conversion (silap orang la nak cakap pasal system conversion dgn orng bank ni yg dah biase dealt with such activity ni…)
Them: (terdiam, tak terjawab).
Pas tu sorang jantan ni (yg nampak macam tak puas hati ngan saya), siap cakap:
Them : Mungkin orng tu ( yg registerkan name saya dulu tu) hanye key in name saje..
I was then about to really get pissed off and gave them a simple answer:
Me: Well, itu masalah customer ker? Saya fill in all details, and you guys pi key in name and ic je pasai ape!
And again they tergamam…ade ke macam ni customer service….BULL!
Lastly, I demand a proof of registration from them in printing in case the KL ppl says otherwise. Depa print salah satu page yg contain my name inside…silap …sebab tgh marah sangat, tak tgk right I should have asked for the Cust profile screen.
After all that horrific Q&A session had ended, me, being a well mannered person that I am, buleh lagi mintak maaf kat depa (sebab ternaik suara sikit)…and left. ( and not one word of apology came from them..ironic aint it..macam aku lak yg buat salah)
Nak ikutkan hati nak je terminate, but Ive been using this number since 1999 and to let it go just like that it’s a no-no (well, at this point perhaps)….sentimental value tu ade…
Nak je aneh sebut name telco ni, tapi kang tak pasai2 lain for those who know what telco Im using right now and you’re using its prepaid, well I advise you to check again …who knows…..
At December 24, 2006 11:06 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Kalau aku dah berasap kepala dah weh! Telco mana ah? Nak kata fixed line, 013, 012 and 019 pun ada fixed line. Ko baik la Aneh bleh cakap sorry lagik, kalau aku, waduH dah ngamuk2 dah. Aku sakit jiwa kalau customer service ni tak betul sbb aku dah rasa keje customer service dulu, mmg tak bleh buat silap..
At December 26, 2006 10:51 AM ,
Norliana Abdul Rahman said...
aneh.. u shud've told us the telco lah.. biar org tahu.. kalau dok sorok2 camni sampai bila pun the telco wont learn.. coz nobody will highlight this thing.
At December 26, 2006 12:31 PM ,
Anonymous said...
mmemang dah meluap2 dah, tapi pikirkan hidung tgh meleleh, sora dah hilang (tgh flu/lelah/batuk), dok tahan je nafsu amarah tu...
konot...awak pernah ade bad experience ngan company tu... ;-)
At December 26, 2006 4:58 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Wan tahu, wan tahu... (tahan diri daripada cakap hehehe)
Konot, by now surely u know the telco yg Aneh maksudkan :)
At December 26, 2006 9:34 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hint hint weh..pernahkan Afida keje di telco ni dulu?
At December 27, 2006 10:09 AM ,
Norliana Abdul Rahman said...
ahhhhh!!! i know i know!!! amy.. i think fida tak pernah keje di telco tu... ko baca blog aku..sure ko tau.. aku sebut nama telco tu terang2...hihihih.. me and my big mouth!
At December 27, 2006 8:52 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Ok..ok Konot..tahu dah ehehhe. Sbb aku rasa dulu Afida pernah keje Maxis time aku pun keje kat Customer Service. Hmm manyak dah aku dengar complaint pasal telco yg satu ni.. tah la masa aku keje Maxis mende2 camni takkan jadi, tak berani punya sbb Maxis mmg pentingkan customer. Sbb tu walaupun aku dah tak kijer dgn Maxis dah, aku still guna line Maxis sampai sekarang. Loyal..ehehe.. so far tak pernah ada prob dgn maxis lagi la. Jadik sila la bertukar dari telco C*tut*tut ke Maxis ehehhe
At December 29, 2006 7:01 AM ,
Anonymous said... dad pn exprienced d same thing..but i don't know whether it's d same telco or not;-) but nasib baik pas tu dah ok..x kena cam yours..agaknye if kena cam aneh, sure mengamuk my dad tu at that time hehehe
At December 29, 2006 1:11 PM ,
Anonymous said...
CELCOM......there i said it....tenkiu di atas encouragement korang...
agaknye kalau bapak n laki aneh pak gad tu bagi gak masuk, mmg dah jadi perang dah....hahah...let it be a lesson to all of us..never take things for granted....
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