Yiippie !!
Yeah for the gals! As I watched TARA (The Amazing Race Asia) yesterday, I was excited for the female team from our country. I have been their supporter since the start. May be because they are ladies team plus they are Malaysian. A bit patriotic plus sexist sket…hahahah. I was hoping they made it at top 5 at first. Then Top 3. Dlm hati semlm tgk depa dapat 3rd pun ok, since a few episodes they just made it. Ngam2 either last or second last. I bet ramai tak sangka depa yg menang sbb ramai yg will support Andrew n lovely Syeon or SanFran. But they made it… Yiipppiiiieeee. Go girl power. Made a history too in TAR sbb tak pernah lagi female team menang. Great!
So yesterday last episode for Bawang Merah Bawang Putih (BMBP) too. If you are an avid viewer, sure tak miss the last episode. Finally after 108 episodes. Still they can’t top up Dia, around 115 episodes kot or our own sinetron Sembilu. Skrg sambung ngan Sembilu Kasih lak. I didn’t watch sangat cerita tu. Kalau tertgk, tgk la, else tak de le tahap mesti tonton. Btw, I’m not a religious watcher for BMBP. Keja maa… But currently, I dok syok tgk Desire: Table for Three. Yup, heard it was a flop in US, tapi I tgk gak. So lagi a few episodes nak habis. Yippiieee. So I leh concentrate for my exam which the top management dah start Tanya biler nak amik..heheheh.
Btw, I really do like the Digi commercial. The yellow dude kinda cute n huggable. Remind me of Teletubbies. The song pun catchy. But not gonna be the reason to change from maxis to digi. I’m a loyal to maxis. Tak pernah tukar line lain. So maxis tak nak bagi I trophy or free a month bill ke? (Hint to fida…. Hehehe).
So yesterday last episode for Bawang Merah Bawang Putih (BMBP) too. If you are an avid viewer, sure tak miss the last episode. Finally after 108 episodes. Still they can’t top up Dia, around 115 episodes kot or our own sinetron Sembilu. Skrg sambung ngan Sembilu Kasih lak. I didn’t watch sangat cerita tu. Kalau tertgk, tgk la, else tak de le tahap mesti tonton. Btw, I’m not a religious watcher for BMBP. Keja maa… But currently, I dok syok tgk Desire: Table for Three. Yup, heard it was a flop in US, tapi I tgk gak. So lagi a few episodes nak habis. Yippiieee. So I leh concentrate for my exam which the top management dah start Tanya biler nak amik..heheheh.
Btw, I really do like the Digi commercial. The yellow dude kinda cute n huggable. Remind me of Teletubbies. The song pun catchy. But not gonna be the reason to change from maxis to digi. I’m a loyal to maxis. Tak pernah tukar line lain. So maxis tak nak bagi I trophy or free a month bill ke? (Hint to fida…. Hehehe).
At February 02, 2007 2:36 PM ,
Amy said...
Camner nak agak sapa yg post ni? Korang tulis la kat bawah post sekian, sekian siapa penulisnya ek? (banyak cengkadak lak aku :D).. aku pun happy Malaysian team menang. Agak kecewa Andrew Syeon tak dpt no 2. Yer aku pun dok tengok table for Three, tak sengaja tertengok sebenarnya sbb kul 10pm tu time dok iron baju depan TV.. walaupun kat US rating teruk, mmm ok la layan tengok pun..
Tengok la Heroes weh, best!
At February 05, 2007 2:59 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hehehe... Ropanyer si Milo gilmore girls tu berlakon dlm heroes. I prefer rambut dia masa dlm gilmore girls. Dlm heroes agak skima. Dok tgk gak heroes.
Nanti they join forces ke? mcm ala2 fantastic four atau mcm league of justice.. hehehe
At February 06, 2007 8:19 AM ,
Anonymous said...
kalau korang tgk table for 3 tu, why not go for the neweset telenovela on the block..FAshion House...ala-ala macam tu gak bile baca sinopsis...and come to think about it, ala2 IDAMAN.... ;)
Yep, same as both of you gals, I too have been a loyal supporter of those 2 girls…kinda geram when people say they’re the weakest in the link..but hey…think again! this thing is not only using ur strength semata-mata, brains too and towards some extent luck!
Cant wait for the ALL STAR version to kuar…I was hoping that all the millionaires come up front to face each other, but bile nengok die nye sedutan, uchenna couple tu je yg masuk (rasenye la)..
As for Heroes..laa..Milo ke yg berlakon tu..patutla macam familiar…jap..milo tu bf rory yg problemo tu kan, anak menakan Luke tu kan? Ke I got them all mixed up..well..ape2 pun, me will be an avid viewer of this one ..for sure…
Pompuan yg ade reflection yg yg jahat tu agaknye jadik orng jahat la kut…ataupun, ade naluri jahat macam Jean Grey..well dah melalut ke xmen la pulak…
Cam best la pulak berceriter…heheheh
At February 06, 2007 11:19 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Ha-ah, Milo si menakan Luke yg bermasalah. Ropanya in real life, depa date gak. Tapi after 3 years or so... they recently break-up. Cause tak tau lak.
I tak nak ikut la Fashion House. From the same produser kan? Remind me of the Bold And the Beautiful. Sampai skrg tak habis2 lagi. Gilor panjang citer tu.
Nanti kita tgk lak Amazing Race All Star. Then leh comment sama2. Hehehe.
Sapa tgk Dunia Baru... mcm tak best la finale semlm mcm tu jek. Nak kena gi tgk wayang ni.. Dunia Baru the Movie...Jom.. ;P
At February 06, 2007 6:55 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Alamak... dah ketinggalan byk lah nie.. Heroes tak tgk lagik, Fashion House tak tgk lagi. Nasib baik dapat tgk the last 20 minutes of Bawang Putih Bawang Merah and last episod of The Amazing Race Asia.
Kena masuk calendar nie.. Heroes n Fashion House. Pukul brapa, channel brapa n hari apa ye kekawan?
At February 07, 2007 8:22 AM ,
Anonymous said...
wan...heroes hari ni..tapi ulangan die bnayak kali..cube nengok astro guide..aneh pun ari tu dapat tgk last 30 minutes, so for teh forst 30 minutes aneh gi tgk repeat die....
as for fashion house, not my kinda story to watch...mesti meleret2...pas tu semalam dlam paper ( tak sempat bace tul2), ade satu criter Yo betty ( tak sure betul ke idak name tu)..adaptation from criter betty la feya..so, sape yg tgk betty dulu tu, mesti kut nak ngk this version...salma hayek dikatakan berlakon sama, but bukan jadik betty nye...
dunia baru, on off tgk, semalam dah finale dah yer? si madi betul2 kawin ke ngan mamat tu( based on sedutan) ..criter sikit...
as for milo..beriye2 nak terbang, aleh2 abg die lak yg leh ..orrr....ntah2 duo powers - both brothers ade power..well...have to wait and see mlm nih...
At February 07, 2007 5:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Semalam start Ugly Betty, adaptation of telenovela Betty la fey tu. Salma Hayek produser. Dia ader la interframe gak. Ala kalau Aziz M Osman buat citer, sure ader sket muka dia.. Hehehe. Yesterday gak start Desperate Housewives season 3. Mesti tonton tu.
Fashion House I tak nak ikut. Sbb nanti i follow. Susah.
Dunia BAru, sedutan yg kata MAdi kahwin tu, tu la ending Dunia Baru. Tu yg tak puas hati tu. Kahwin kat siam ke? Tau2 si darius sengih2 jek. Tu agak keciwa habis camtu.
Si abg milo pun leh terbang. abg milo ni familiar la. citer apa lagi dia berlakon?
Sapa tgk natasha2? rendam air mata lagi ke minah tu? stereotype la lakonan dia. opps peminat fasha sorry ye... hehehe
At February 08, 2007 4:43 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Heroes! yeah best punya cita..korang p website.. byk gambaq cun2. plus leh baca episode guide 4 those yg ttinggal episode. abg Milo yg Farah tau, blakon dlm cita Judging Amy.. latest boypren yg nak kawin ngan amy tuh..
Ugly Betty won several awards.. the leading Actress: America won the best actress aper tah..
Fashion House td tgo la skit, x best pun! Bold n Beu sampai lani my mom dok ikut.. hehhee astro plaks dah pendekkan time siaran, alamat berzaman lg la tu nak bis..
Dunia Baru kena tunggu season 3 la 2 know how actually Madi n Darius kawin.. Farah suka Ikhram tu.. altho dia takder la hensem sgt, tp dia ader magnet hahahhaha
Movies..The Guardian.. ok la cita nie.. entertaining.. storyline predictable tho.
The Pursuit 2 Happiness.. Determination & Smgt.. once u ngok cita nie, surely u rasa bersyukur wif wat u hv.. n u feel tiap2 hari nak menabung.
DreamGirls.. if u r fan of musical, go ahead. if not 4get it! ;)
Accepted. Kelakar. pun predictable.
WorldTradeCentre. well based on tru story. wat can i say.
Material Girls. Chick flick.. bodoh n predictable.
At February 08, 2007 4:47 AM ,
Anonymous said...
TARA... m amazed how a strong team like Syeon n Andrew leh kalah atas kebodohan sendiri.. dah tahu x tau jln, nape la x hire taxi cam Zab n JoeJer tu.. i admire the gurls.. tho they not the strongest contender, but their will-spirit memang KUAT!
x sabar nak ngok TARA speciall episode mlm nie..
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