Our Stories, Our Journey, Our Thoughts

11 July, 2005

Top 5 List - 5 things proving that you are an AF addict

No. 5 - Every Saturday night you will be in front of the TV watching AF. If there is any wedding invitation, dinner or any activites you will try and cancel it off.

No. 4 - Every night without fail from 11.30 p.m - 12.30 a.m you will be glued to the TV set watching the 'Diari AF'

No. 3 - You will vote for your favourite contestant whenever you have the opportunity. If you check your handphone under the 'sent items' there will be a list of AFUNDI messages.

No. 2
- Everyday you will talk about the diary, the concert anything related to AF. Open your e-mail.. AF, during lunch hour AF, weekend AF, kenduri pun crita pasal AF.

No.1 - You are totally an AF addict when you sleep pun.. mimpi AF.

Fida, ko dah 'Demam' gak ke? hehe


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