MBA ^-^
mmmmm married but available?? hehhee i wish laaa.. it's gonna b a looooooong journey ahead 4 me. m gona go get my MBA. 7th June will be my last day at work.. yabadabadooooooooooooooooo..
m gona miss u guys very very much... now u know y i didnt actually joined u guys to Bali. 1st, takder cuti.. 2nd, tengah mensettlekan proses2 MBA tuh.. 3rd, tengah berjimat cermat... hehhee aper2 pun, still akan jumpa korang, coz m doin it locally.. tak jauh pun, balik pulau halaman jer.. hehehe.. will head back home 1st July insyaallah. So frens wish me lots of luuuuuck.. saper nak lecturer ker profesor ker, khabar2kan jer laa, mana tau ader yg available.. hahahhaa..
so, lepas nie korang email me back at
ok cya soooooooooon.. kiter lepaks2 sebelum Farah chow yer.. kiter makan2 duluuuuu..
m gona miss u guys very very much... now u know y i didnt actually joined u guys to Bali. 1st, takder cuti.. 2nd, tengah mensettlekan proses2 MBA tuh.. 3rd, tengah berjimat cermat... hehhee aper2 pun, still akan jumpa korang, coz m doin it locally.. tak jauh pun, balik pulau halaman jer.. hehehe.. will head back home 1st July insyaallah. So frens wish me lots of luuuuuck.. saper nak lecturer ker profesor ker, khabar2kan jer laa, mana tau ader yg available.. hahahhaa..
so, lepas nie korang email me back at
ok cya soooooooooon.. kiter lepaks2 sebelum Farah chow yer.. kiter makan2 duluuuuu..
At June 02, 2005 12:14 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Wahhh!!Dapat dah surat ntuk buat MBA farah!! Alhamdulillah! bestnya! Oohhhhhh ( in a sad note) gonna wish u gurl! Keep in touch okay? Camne nak tgk Batman Begins nie? Janji nak tengok sesama... ke tak sempat? Wish you all the best farah! Alahhh musti rindu nnti sbb susah nak jumpa. Takpe nnti biler kitorang pg Utara kiter jumpa yek.
Plus, next year punya trip Farah must join. Not the same lah without you :'(
Take care farah n MUSTI JUMPA n BUAT GATHERING before farah balik kampung to do ur Married But Available :p (MBA)
At June 02, 2005 12:16 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Apa wan tulis nie? 'Oohhhhhh ( in a sad note) gonna wish u gurl! "
Gonna MISS lah.. wish plak..
Correction: GONNA MISS U GURL! muaaahhhsss
At June 02, 2005 11:55 AM ,
Anonymous said...
alaaah! Farah bukannyer g obersee mcm awak.. so, insyaallah ader peluang jumpa, tak kat Pg, kat Kedah or KL.. aaaa.. wedding2 korang sure Farah turun.. aaa..
Gathering, ader satu tempat Farah nak try, BUMBU BALI Puchong.. dekat2 Bandar Puteri.. saper tahu??? jooooooommmmm!
At June 02, 2005 9:21 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Buleh saja! Tapi tak tau mana...
At June 03, 2005 11:09 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Do ur best Farah!
Leh cari toyboy kat sana ...hehehe
Kita kena makan2 before Farah start belajar.
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