Follow your instinct
This is the last week of AF3 and everybody is talking about it. So, yesterday at the office my officemate was asking me who I'm voting for. So, I told her I vote for 2 people, but the other one is my favourite. She instantly told me not to vote for the other person because bla, bla, bla.. and I was like huh? That is like telling me not to vote for this person because org nie kentut busuk. You get what I mean? It's like.. suma orang kentut busuk, mana ada org kentut it's like telling me not to vote for this particular person because of something that EVERYBODY does that.
Tak paham betullah, and she goes on and on one about the other contestants as well. Dont vote for this girl because bla bla bla, dont vote for this guy because bla bla bla..Seriusly I dont understand this people. Why do we need to put others down? It's like telling me napa suka Ariel Peterpan? He got married after making his gf pregnant. And I'm like.. aa ah tau... but its not like I'm marrying him or anything. I just like him as a singer because he has a good voice and he makes great music.
Or it's like telling people kenapa suka Shah Rukh Khan? Kahal he's a Muslim tp cam tak. But still people likes Shah Rukh Khan because he can act and he can dance.Pleaselah, we are voting for someone that we like because the person can sing and has character bukan nak vote for calon isteri ke suami, itu masuk rancangan 'mencari cinta' lah :p
One more thing is those people @15. Kenapalah nak kutuk2 budak2 nie? tak paham betul. Suka ke tak suka ke sukatilah kan.. vote jeklah who u like and dont put down others. Last nite on ' Tanya Linda' again the topic was about AF. "bakat or pakej". And people voted for 'bakat' and the panels were saying that in AF, people are not voting for bakat but package. And I was like huh? apa korang ckp nie? To me, all 4 fianlist can sing. And one of the panels said that currently people are voting for 'pakej' like in AF because they are following their emotions. If Astro dont show the 'Diari AF', then only people will vote for talent.
Pleaselah apalah panel nie merepek. First of all cermin diri sendiriklah, the panel tu sendirik nyanyi pun bukan sedap, blakon pun ntah hape hape. You yourself tu famous sbb pakej, lagi mahu kutuk org. Sorrylah previously I buleh accept this particualr artis, after his statement yesterday terus cam.. what??!! Janganlah nak jatuh2kan org lain.
Furthermore, if you say that IF Astro doesnt show 'Diari' THEN only people will vote for bakat. Then, what about 'Malaysian Idol'. They dont show any diari, but still those 2 that got voted out has talent and still kena kluar. So.. what justification you are making here? Apalah panel tu.
What I can say here is that.. JUST FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCT. Buat donno jek kat org2 nie.. vote for who you think deserve to win. It's your vote and its your money.
Tak paham betullah, and she goes on and on one about the other contestants as well. Dont vote for this girl because bla bla bla, dont vote for this guy because bla bla bla..Seriusly I dont understand this people. Why do we need to put others down? It's like telling me napa suka Ariel Peterpan? He got married after making his gf pregnant. And I'm like.. aa ah tau... but its not like I'm marrying him or anything. I just like him as a singer because he has a good voice and he makes great music.
Or it's like telling people kenapa suka Shah Rukh Khan? Kahal he's a Muslim tp cam tak. But still people likes Shah Rukh Khan because he can act and he can dance.Pleaselah, we are voting for someone that we like because the person can sing and has character bukan nak vote for calon isteri ke suami, itu masuk rancangan 'mencari cinta' lah :p
One more thing is those people @15. Kenapalah nak kutuk2 budak2 nie? tak paham betul. Suka ke tak suka ke sukatilah kan.. vote jeklah who u like and dont put down others. Last nite on ' Tanya Linda' again the topic was about AF. "bakat or pakej". And people voted for 'bakat' and the panels were saying that in AF, people are not voting for bakat but package. And I was like huh? apa korang ckp nie? To me, all 4 fianlist can sing. And one of the panels said that currently people are voting for 'pakej' like in AF because they are following their emotions. If Astro dont show the 'Diari AF', then only people will vote for talent.
Pleaselah apalah panel nie merepek. First of all cermin diri sendiriklah, the panel tu sendirik nyanyi pun bukan sedap, blakon pun ntah hape hape. You yourself tu famous sbb pakej, lagi mahu kutuk org. Sorrylah previously I buleh accept this particualr artis, after his statement yesterday terus cam.. what??!! Janganlah nak jatuh2kan org lain.
Furthermore, if you say that IF Astro doesnt show 'Diari' THEN only people will vote for bakat. Then, what about 'Malaysian Idol'. They dont show any diari, but still those 2 that got voted out has talent and still kena kluar. So.. what justification you are making here? Apalah panel tu.
What I can say here is that.. JUST FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCT. Buat donno jek kat org2 nie.. vote for who you think deserve to win. It's your vote and its your money.
At August 03, 2005 4:07 PM ,
Anonymous said...
vote for Farahin.. kes kes kes... anyway i already book 6 ticket for final AF3 including myself.. so where u want me to pass that ticket and who will collect it?
At August 03, 2005 5:41 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Anonymous.. tiket tu yg Level3 punya ke yg seat bawah punya..Satu lg.. u nie kitorang kenal ke? Camne nak amik kalo tak kenal ye tak? Silalah perkenalkan diri anda.. sekian terima kasih...
At August 03, 2005 8:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Wah, tulah, i thought anonymous ni kawan hang wan, part of the serangkai tapi tak plak. Mmmm mysterious ni sapa kah dia sebenarnya hehehhe. Anyway, tula people mentality, kalau tak suka dia nak jugak suruh org lain masuk the same line as he or she, standard.
At August 04, 2005 10:23 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Aku plak ingatkan kawan ko Sad. Aku pun tunggu jek biler ko nak habaq ko kenal Anonymous. Wahai..Anonymous silalah perkenalkan diri anda.. jika tidak kami suma khuatir ntuk ambil tiket drpd anda.. kot2 Ayah Pin ke hehehe..
At August 04, 2005 12:16 PM ,
Anonymous said...
as'kum..hi semua....
okla, i nak komen sikit pasal shafinaz tu..sebenarnyer i tak puas hati la ngn her comment..obviously we can c that she dont really like mawi..kalau u tak minat pun jgn la sampai every single thing u wanna comment eg;'dik, tak elok kangkang2...' and ada satu pasal 'lagi elok jgn menari..' something like that! ellllooooo....yg u nk komen untill to that xtend why???takder mende lain nak komen kerrr.....actually, i tak tgk masa live concert that week, after i heard my friend told about her comment, i tgk masa ulangan konsert tue....masyaAllah, pompuan ni mmg laaaa....dah takder mende lain nk tgk, walhal..taknampak lak kot mana dia kangkang2??? come on la shapinazzz ooiii...takperla...emotional..i bukanla fanatik mawi, tapi sejak minah ni komen and ch15 kutuk2 i dah jadi geram!!!!
mmg la some of her comment much more better dr mamat lrt tue...tapi..isk isk..i am speechless lah!!!!
hehehe masyehhhh...btw, anonymous nie taknak kenalkan diri kerr????
At August 04, 2005 1:49 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hahahahaha... gelak i baca ur comment erni. I tak perasan gak part mana mawi kangkang, tapi rasanyer tak de le hebat kalau kangkang pun mcm si faizull malaysian idol. waktu nak pilih sapa dapat masuk spectacular. tu ngeri babe. hahahaha
At August 04, 2005 5:33 PM ,
Anonymous said...
farah kenal i.. u cakap kat dia baby.. sure dia tau.. anyway esok i pass dekat farah or salah sorang dari u nak amik dari i ker? kalau nak amik i tunggu dekat sri hartamas jer, location you all name it, anyway, kalau tak silap i pernah jumper wan dekat putrajaya masa exhibition career fair
At August 04, 2005 6:20 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Jumpa saya? Wan tak pergi Putrajaya career fair..Wan lain kot..
At August 09, 2005 12:53 AM ,
Anonymous said...
alamakssss.. baby mana nie?? babygurl dlm Lifelogger ker? sorry yer kengkawan kalau dah terlepas nak dptkan tiket tuh.. dah lama tak masuk blog.. internet kat umah nie lembab sgt, terhegeh2.. dpt masuk jer, disconnected.. nasib nasib..
so, ader dpt tiket g AF.. dpt jumpa baby? saper baby? hahhaa
Anyway, Baby nama betul? laki ke pompuan.. Farah tak pernah kasi blog nie pada kengkwn Farah yg lain.. mmm hairan bin ajaib gaks..
At August 10, 2005 12:30 AM ,
Anonymous said...
message atas nie Farah punya, lupa tulis nama, jadi anonymous plaks.. hehehe
At August 10, 2005 10:44 AM ,
Anonymous said...
hahah lawak aah farah terkonpius sat.
farah... erni dapat jumpa MAWI semalam.. face to face.. jealous jealous
At August 11, 2005 2:36 AM ,
Anonymous said...
so wan, ader dpt ticket concert? saper Baby tuh? cite skit...
At August 11, 2005 2:42 PM ,
Anonymous said...
sampai hati u farah kat u tak kenal i, tapi takper lah, maybe u dah lupa kot? anyway sabtu lepas i tunggu call dari u all but tak der org call pun and petang tu i distribute tiket tu dekat satu parent & anakĀ² tu yang datang dari kulai utk tengok mawi.. yang lebih i jual... :(
At August 14, 2005 10:56 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Sorry la Baby.. i nd yr real name.. memang i cepat lupa.. u kenalan i masa sekolah? PPP? DiGi? or AKN? or mana?
At August 15, 2005 4:06 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Sorry baby, we are so excited dgr u nak bagi ticket, tapi at the same time kitaorg takut. Since kitaorg tak kenal u. Sorry yek?
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