Hand Phones In School?
I’ve been bz as a bee since the last couple of months. Well, that’s life, you have to work to make a living for a better future, .. so as I was driving today to Putrajaya, I tuned on to Red104. Topic of the day ‘Hand phones are banned from school’. So they invited this guy from some tech company, SMS service provider co., one of the VP for the company. He seems so pissed of with the new rules administer by the minister starting of today. He told, he have 8/9 kids in schools, he works till late of the day, his wife used to be a teacher and now persuading her PHD, so he has a lot of points to ponder on why the minister should not ban handphones. As I was listening, may be I’m not the best person to give my point of view or any opinion, since I don’t have kids. I don’t think hand phones should be used in school during the classes. The only reason, good thing about handphones for kids is for emergency use. Mana la tau anak terjatuh ke, demam ke. That might be the best case to have hand phones. Tapi apa la gunanya hand phone masa time belajar. I don’t mind kids having handphones. In fact, kids nowadays have even canggih hand phones than I do. So when they are in the school compound, why can’t they use the school facility to contact their parents. Masa zaman sekolah kita kecik2 pun ader gak emergency, terjatuh la, demam la. But tak de le cikgu nak abaikan student like ader caller to call bagitau, anak dia terjatuh cikgu buat dek jek, sbb tu kena ader handphone kat sekolah. I don’t think teachers are that cruel, may be zaman sekarang tak tau la. My teachers used to be a great and caring teachers. And I guess that’s the reason some of my friends wanted to be an educator, may be they idolize their teacher. Mesti kita zaman sekolah ada fav teacher, kena lak kalau cikgu tu cun or handsome.
Then ader caller to kata at one point, kids dia ader problem, and tak tau guna poublic phone or too short to use it. Too short, might be reasonable tak sampai the gagang or to insert the coins, tapi bab tak reti guna public phone tu cam… eerrrr… u can teach your kids to sms, dial and download or afundi using handphones, u can’t teach them using public handphone… Duh!!!!
How long is today school hours? 7.30am – 1.45pm? That’s the only time your kids do not have their handphones, biler depa balik, guna la balik handphone tu. No biggie. Terlambat amik from school. Ish.. when I’m school, selalu I have to wait for my dad to pick me up, else I learnt to be independent, naik public bus bayar 20 sen, sampai the bus stop, picit loceng then belajar la seberang jalan nak sampai rumah. May be, our time tak byk penculik kot. So selamat je I sampai rumah.
May be time changes, kids need to be pampered and have the excellent facility for them to grow up and be a better ruler in the future. I have a lot to say and comment on the speaker’s points. Since I’m too in ‘tech’ world, I have to work and safe some money for future kids to have a better hand phones.
What say u?
Then ader caller to kata at one point, kids dia ader problem, and tak tau guna poublic phone or too short to use it. Too short, might be reasonable tak sampai the gagang or to insert the coins, tapi bab tak reti guna public phone tu cam… eerrrr… u can teach your kids to sms, dial and download or afundi using handphones, u can’t teach them using public handphone… Duh!!!!
How long is today school hours? 7.30am – 1.45pm? That’s the only time your kids do not have their handphones, biler depa balik, guna la balik handphone tu. No biggie. Terlambat amik from school. Ish.. when I’m school, selalu I have to wait for my dad to pick me up, else I learnt to be independent, naik public bus bayar 20 sen, sampai the bus stop, picit loceng then belajar la seberang jalan nak sampai rumah. May be, our time tak byk penculik kot. So selamat je I sampai rumah.
May be time changes, kids need to be pampered and have the excellent facility for them to grow up and be a better ruler in the future. I have a lot to say and comment on the speaker’s points. Since I’m too in ‘tech’ world, I have to work and safe some money for future kids to have a better hand phones.
What say u?
At January 20, 2006 12:25 PM ,
Anonymous said...
agreed ly..mengade2 je nak bagi budak sekolah bwk hp...kids nowadays are too pampered..
At January 20, 2006 4:01 PM ,
Anonymous said...
agreed with u too ly..
i think not a good reason students should have hp..ala kita dulu2 pun ok jerr....blajar sampai masuk u gaks..hehehehe..and then we used to have some emergency cases too but semuanyer ok ajer..takkanla cikgu kejam benar sampai takleh contact their parents!!!! sajer they all are too MUCH!!!!!nanti mesti misused the phone!in addition with the camera in it..errmmm paham2 laaa......I AGREE, PHONE SHOULDN'T BE USED AT SCHOOL!..heheheheh
At January 20, 2006 4:41 PM ,
Anonymous said...
paham paham? ehem ehem?
At January 20, 2006 10:50 PM ,
Abu S.H said...
actually, in the first place, tak yah discuss sampai ke kabinet..mengarut je...jawapan suma dah tahu...giler parlimen mesia duk discuss pasai budak sekolah bwk mobile phone..Bukan ke kerja PIBG utk dpt kata sepakat benda2 cam ni...?
At January 21, 2006 10:48 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Totally agree with u Ly, handphones should be Banned in schools. Duh! I only have my own handphone when I started working. Sebelum tuh, public phone lah tmpt harapan. Kalo janji ngan parents ke friends ke kat memana, tunggu gakle kat tmpt yg dijanjikan. Dare not move cause takde hp nak call and ask "alo, u kat mana?"
At January 22, 2006 10:28 PM ,
Abu S.H said...
masa keja baru ada hp ek? abih tu yang dulu2 contact nak dpt notes for exam tu ko pakai apa wanp? (wan pekzah)
At January 23, 2006 5:58 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Masa tu pinjam hp Elly. TQ Ly kasik pinjam hp masa students dulu :) Tp Elly tak bwk handphone ye masuk class. Dia cuma 'on'kan lepas abis class jek.
Hidup El!! :D
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