Our utmost thank you to Marina for getting us the tickets to Anugerah Juara Lagu a.k.a AJL 20. Thank you Marina! Thank you so much for the tickets with fabulous seats! Thanks a lot. Front row seats for some of us. Just 3 or 4 steps dah buleh join as props for Zainal Abidin, bleh dok sebelah abang api,hihi. We went for the full dress rehearsal of the AJL. Ingatkan we all jek yang dapat tickets, rupanya full house. Imagine the Dewan Merdeka in PWTC full, even the stairs pun filled up with people. We had a blast! Rasanya, the rehearsal was much much better and happening than the real, live AJL. Don't know whether is it because we were there watching it live during the rehearsal or we all terasa best sebab perasan hehe.
Our tickets
The ticket As usual, Ning sang beautifully. It's a shame Ning didn't win the Balada although we were hoping she could win. Jangan mare peminat Jac. Jac was great as well, her voice mak aiihh sedap giler dengar bergema dalam dewan tuh. Thus, the best woman won for the Balada category.
NingAdam as usual, showed his skilss in dancing. Tapi seriously cute budak nie. When we called his name, elok jek toleh at we all and waved at us. Baik budak nie.
AdamIt wouldn't be Kak Ani's performance kalo tak bawak minimum 20 people. Tapikan, kelakarlah performance dia nie. Don't know whether was it meant to be funny or I was the only one found it hillarious :)
Ayuh JuraganZainal with his song Gaia. Just can't get rid off the relation of Capten Planet with this song. Gaia - Capten Planet. Remember?
GaiaThe reason that we went to AJL 20 in the first place. Who else if not for Mim, Alif,Wau, Ya. People at home missed this part, where Mawi bersilat during his opening act. Apalah camera tuh pergi tunjuk tempat lain. Nasib baik ada gambar rehearsal to show to you people out there.
Mawi bersilat
MawiThe reason he won 'persembahan terbaik' bak kata Ally Iskandar. Sebab Mawi menari. Hehe tapi kelakar lah tengok dia menari. Yang penting ada effort. Although people kata huh? dia lagi. Who cares, the public has spoken. Yahoo!! Mawi menang :D
Mawi World!!Hazami's backup singers. Habis satu skolah vokal tu rasanya datang. Tp, memang best they all nyanyi. Was hoping pun Hazami menang. Good for you Hazami!
Penuh pentasDuet Jamal n Misha. Tak ingat plak wat song they sang. Lagu apa ye depa nyanyi? Siapa ingat?
Jamal n MishaPerformance by KRU. WHile waiting for the result. Really bring back memories.. Fanatik.. fanatik.. fanatik.. Yang really excited was, the original KRU Dancers pun ada malam tuh. Cayalah bros.
KRU, dari sembilan dua hingga 2006..Sifu pun perform. Meriah giler tengok dia menari.
M NasirThe result, everybody knows about it already. Some agree, some disagree. Biasalah tuh, overall it was great! Biler lagik nak rub shoulders with artists betul tak? Sekali sekala apa salahnya ;)